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CNC Machining

Author: Brian Kippen  I know you might be thinking. . . not another article about the global supply chain crisis! But bear with me because while I am here to talk about supply chain disruptions and material shortages negatively impacting the manufacturing industry, I'm interested in discussing solutions. Actual, feasible solutions. My team

What does early 20th-century photography have in common with modern precision aerospace parts? The answer is element number 12 on the periodic table—Magnesium (Mg). Named after the Greek region Magnesia, magnesium is an abundant element found in seawater and the earth’s crust.  This cost-effective metal boasts exceptional machinability and a high strength-to-weight

What makes a precision machine shop a great place to work? People and projects are a big part of it, but company culture is also essential.  Historically speaking, the manufacturing industry hasn't exactly prioritized workers' social-emotional needs. Words like "company culture" don’t always appear in the precision machine shop playbook. In

At KAD, we’ve built a reputation for being deeply committed to our craft. Our passion for engineering transforms prototyping into an art form. But we're more than a prototype shop—we're also a precision machine shop equipped to handle bridge production.  What Is Bridge Production? Bridge production—also known as bridge manufacturing—bridges the gap